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Do All of The Things

Jul 31, 2023

Do you find yourself experiencing feelings of jealousy or worry when you see others possessing what you desire? It's important to recognize that by fixating on what you lack, you inadvertently hinder your own ability to receive. 


Rather than harboring resentment towards those who have achieved success and...

Jul 27, 2023

As a leader, you likely identify as either a Visionary or a Strategist. And although one isn’t better than the other, if you own a business (or you plan to), it’s important to have a vision for where you want that business to go and what you desire that business to ultimately achieve. 


Also, when you focus on...

Jul 24, 2023

It's common to find ourselves placing blame on others for the circumstances or situations we face. However, it's important to shift the perspective and turn that pointed finger of blame inward. Take a moment to reflect on the role you played in the situation at hand. Embrace responsibility, not as a means...

Jul 20, 2023

Your worldview plays a significant role in shaping your life and career decisions, as it forms the lens through which you perceive and interpret the world. Worldview encompasses your beliefs, values, experiences, and cultural background, and it deeply influences your attitudes, motivations, and...

Jul 17, 2023

Life's journey is a continuous process of exploration and discovery. Along the way, we encounter setbacks and challenges that test our resolve. But these obstacles are not indicators of defeat; they are stepping stones towards success.


Embrace the lessons learned from past experiences and use them to fuel your...